Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Do you have an expiration routine?

Quick post - as I was going through and replacing my toothbrush and Clarisonic heads, I wondered: do all of you have a routine to keep track of when you should be tossing things?

For instance, on the first of each month, I switch my razor blades (even if they "don't need it,") toss anything that has reached the open-for-too-long point, and try and clean out my makeup area.

At the first of each quarter, I change toothbrush and Clarisonic heads, toss any open mascara, and sanitize anything that hasn't been taken care of (I set stuff aside to be sanitized as it is used. You know that one wash-by-hand dish that sits next to your sink? Like that.)

At the new year and half year, I check medications, sunscreen, and other expiration dates. Of course, I label everything and toss as I go if I encounter a passed expiration date but this helps me stay ahead of the panic that I suddenly don't have eye cream or one of the three types of sunscreen I keep in my cabinet.

Do you have a routine? Do you prefer a more relaxed approach?


  1. Okay, I have a couple of weird routines. They aren't expiration dates per se, but they are cousins. I rotate my dining room chairs quarterly so they will wear evenly. And I have a reminder every four months on my calendar to get my free credit report from one of the three participating bureaus required by federal law to give one free report per year.

    1. The credit report is a good one! I only have two dining chairs (we have a bench for the other side. IKEA!) so that's not a big concern around here.
